Tutorial ZYBO Linux (I): How to load Linux-Debian in ZYBO (Zynq) with a SD card

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This is the first part of the tutorial for Linux and the board Zybo from Digilent. Here a image of Linux-Debian version is going to be created on a SD card. This SD is going to startup Linux in our ZYBO board.

This tutorial is divided into some parts:

1- The first step is to download the Linux-Debian pre-compile image on the following link. Debian-Linux  and unzp it. It should size around 3.9 GB. This image of Debian have already preloaded the configuration to connect via Ethernet through the terminal. The default IP is

2- Download the program Win32 Disk Imager (Free & Open Source). This is a tool to burn images into SD card or USB sticks.

3- Open Win32DiskImager , select the unzipped image and the target disc unit. Take care to select properly the disc unit, if you don’t want to overwrite all you hard-drive. Please double-check the target unit.

Select the unzipped image and the device to be written

4- Select to create an MD5 Hash, in order to check that the download was not corrupted. The result should be

5- Press the “Write” button to flash the SD-card.

6- Download the file Kernel-ZYBO. This contains the Linux-Kernel to compile for ZYBO board.

7- Open the container folder of the SD card. You should overwrite or replace these files on the SD. It is possible that it is not possible to overwrite the files, because there is not enough disk space. But if you delete the SD file and then copy then into the SD it is working.

8- Introduce the SD-card in the ZYBO card slot. Remember that you must change the jumper JP5 in order to change the program mode into SD. This will boot up the board from the SD card.

Position of the jumper
Now you can connect the board with the USB cable to supply current to ZYBO. Now the next part is to connect to the board.

1 thought on “Tutorial ZYBO Linux (I): How to load Linux-Debian in ZYBO (Zynq) with a SD card”

  1. The MD5 isn’t the same, so the file might be corrupted. I better not continue, but the tutorial seemed fine!

    If you could post the original file it would be great thanks

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