My Final Thesis: Design, Construct and Program a Multicopter

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I recently noticed that my diploma thesis is available online on the university library repository. I share here the link with you!

The topic of this thesis is “Design, construction and control of a hexacopter in a testing platform“. It was written back in the 2012 and things in the world of multicopter have changed rapidly. You can download the pdf (in spanish)

It was fun to develop a hexacopter, almost from scratch.

The design process was:

  • Select a multicopter type: Hexacopter (due payload and redundancy)
  • Search for a hexacopter frame
  • Design the correct pair motors-propellers with Drive-calculator
  • Design the power management, batteries and estimated fly-time
  • Set up a wireless communication protocol
  • Write a datalog on the flash memory
  • Understand the flying theory for hexacopters
  • Program the ArduPilot controller with c-code
  • Test on different platforms: 1 axis and 2 axis platform

The demo video shows how the test platform works. The yaw, pitch and roll were controlled with the radio transmitter.


The testing platforms were:

2 motors seesaw-type control
one axis balancer with 4 motors
Full 2 axis of freedom platform



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